Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Barangay/Balanghay spirit teambuilding

 objective: foster barangay community spirit and make people engaged in their barangay

via low hanging fruit project - clean up drive, beautification contest, livelihood and income generation  feeding program, library building and literacy promotion, financial literacy

ideas - rare plant breeding and selling, once a week tiangge, creation of youtube channel, livelihood project, living letras y figuras/ giant topiary projects

Saturday, November 12, 2022

Monday, November 7, 2022

mood enhancement hacks - be happier

 from harvard research

1. meditation

2.  practice kindness

3 buy happy experience, things that you do instead of own

4. make your surrounding positive and cheerful

5. find something to look forward to. anticipation of positive outcome

6. physical activity - preferably with other people - exercise, arduous project

7. find something you like to do 

Friday, November 4, 2022

Water culturing of anthuriums

 use as much recycled containers

create plant feed / aloe vera, cleared water